Monday, October 01, 2007

11/8 Social Skills Panel for Adolescence

Resources for Children with Special Needs, Inc.
Invites Educators, Advocates and Parents to a Panel Discussion

Becoming a Player, Part II: Enhancing Social Skills of Adolescents on the Autism Spectrum

Thursday, November 8, 2007 from 5 - 7:30 p.m.
5:00 Coffee Reception with Panelists • 5:30 Panel
Credit Suisse, 11 Madison Avenue at 24th Street,
Auditorium Level 2B

Advance Registration $25 ● At the Door $30 (Space Permitting)

Dr. Jed Baker, a clinical psychologist and Director of the Social Skills Training Project, supervises social skills training for students in the Milburn Public Schools and is a consultant and trainer on social skills throughout the country. Dr. Baker has published four award-winning books on social skills training. In addition, his work to reduce bullying of students with autism in the public schools was recently featured on ABC World News and Nightline.

Dr. Lynda Geller is the Clinical Director of the Asperger Institute at the NYU Child Study Center. Prior to joining NYU, Dr. Geller served for 22 years on the Medical School faculties of Georgetown University and Stony Brook University, where she specialized in the evaluation and treatment of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders and other related disabilities, developing social skills programs, educational consultation services, and resource center family supports. She is the founding Executive Director of the Asperger Foundation International.

Rachel Pollock is a parent of an 18-year-old young man with an autism spectrum disorder and is General Counsel and Deputy Director for Planning and Program Development at Job Path, where she oversees both an employment program and a pilot program for young adults with autism spectrum disorders that includes a social skills group and support for individuals as they work, attend college, engage in volunteer work, and plan for independent living.

Moderator: Dr. Shirley Cohen is a Professor in the Department of Special Education at Hunter College. where she has served as Interim Dean of the Hunter College School of Education. She is the author of the book Targeting Autism and will serve as the director of the Hunter College Autism Center for Autism and Related Disabilities (CARD), part of a new network of such centers in New York State. She has directed city, state and foundation grants on autism spectrum disorders.

To register: Mail or fax the form below with your registration fee to:

Panel, Resources for Children with Special Needs
116 East 16th Street, 5th Floor, NY, NY 10003
(212) 677-4650 ● FAX (212) 254-4070

November 8th Panel Registration Form



Daytime phone_____________________email_________

Number of people attending_____

□ Check made out to Resources for Children
enclosed $_____________

□ Credit Card

□ Visa □ MasterCard □ American Express □ Diners Club

Card account number__________________________________
Expiration date________ Card Code________________

Charge amount $_________________

Resources for Children with Special Needs is a citywide information, referral, advocacy and training center serving children birth-26, their parents, and the professionals who work on their behalf. Visit us at Visit our searchable Database on the Web™ at

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